New York City’s Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene ought to re-examine its Staff education standards
We know for sure the very heading would have caused eyebrows to raise to levels touching their hair line. But the truth ought to be told.
We are bringing this to the attention of the General Public a very serious matter which was apparently brought to our Notice. We are talking about a Health release from the office of the Commissioner who is heading the prestigious New York City’s Health and Mental Hygiene facility.

When a parent brought this letter to us, we couldn’t even believe our eyes. For one, the Commissioner is advising everybody to practice General Flu prevention measures, when the dreadful Coronavirus is taking its toll, two, none of the so called preventive measures indicated in the release are Coronavirus specific and neither do they help to handle and neutralize a Coronavirus attack.
Be Specific with your objectives
“If you want to dig a well, go dig a well, don’t dig a hole and expect to find a spring-Ancient Philosophy“
There is a specific Virus that is hitting out at people. With around 40 plus countries facing its blunt. Here we have a release that has the following lines in its document which reads as follows, “At this time it is important to listen to facts and not respond to fear‘ The question is, were the facts really taken into account ?, did the office study the plight that countries around are suffering?
Moving on, the release reads, “currently there are no confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in New York City and the risk to New Yorkers remains low” The Question is, how do they know that the risk to New Yorkers is low? What data or so called facts are being used to arrive at the conclusion.
All New Yorkers should practice General flu prevention measures,…says the New York City, HMH
Would you believe this? How on earth could a general flu prevention measures would be sufficient to tackle the dreaded Coronavirus?
Advices such as “Get your Flu shot-it’s never too late“, What on earth is this Commissioner talking about? So now we are to take Flu shots to combat Coronavirus, good ! Let the innocent and the gullible which abound the New York City put these words into practice and see the consequence.
Why Discriminate the Sick, Commissioner?
“Avoid close contact with people who are sick”, these are the very words from someone who is expected to operate with responsibility and caution. This is what is called Passive Discrimination. If every school going individual takes this advice on face value and operates in tandem then there would be Chaos resulting in Discrimination.
What are we exactly teaching the School going pupils ? Moral values or Discrimination. Foremost this causes one to question, do they teach the Good Samaritan law in schools now? If every one start this selfish way of living as mentioned in this letter then the world would be nothing more than a hog house, fighting for morsels and crumbs.
Is Education not supposed to walk hand in hand with Common Sense?
There was this popular story of a boy and his mother.
Once upon a time there lived in a small village, a teacher who is also a mother who took great pride in her son and in his education. Day and night, she taunted her neighbors about her son’s education and his deligence in executing every instruction that she laid out to him.
It was Summer time, and Granny wanted to see her grandson. So, Granny sends a message to the boy’s mother, telling that she had prepared a good lunch for the boy and she would be elated to have the child for the day. Moreso, she would also send in some Cheese cakes and pumpkin pies for the family.
The mother was happy so she packed the boy’s bag with some gifts for Granny and then set the instruction out. “Boy, whatever Grany gives, carefully pack them in this lunch box and bring it to mother”
The boy said, “Yes, I will mother”, and headed off joyfully to visit his Granny. The day was filled with fun and frolic and lunch was served with good dessert.
The boy rejoiced and soo too, Granny. In the moment of the fun, Granny had apparently forgotten all about the goodies she promised her daughter but not the gift that the boy had asked his Granny, last summer.
When time came for the boy to bid good bye, Granny, quietly led the boy to the yard to show him his summer gift. It was a beautiful puppy. Granny raised the puppy and gifted it to the boy, which he held close to him and his joy was limitless.
The boy now bids good bye to his Granny and heads home. Singing and dancing, with the puppy close to his chest. Now suddenly a stroke of thought strikes him. He remembers his mother’s instruction,
“Boy, whatever Grany gives, carefully pack them in this lunch box and bring it to mother”
You see, our boy meticulously executes his mother’s instruction. Suddenly he unpacks his bag, takes his lunch box out, places the cute puppy in, and shuts the box safely.
Now on the other end, Mom is apprehensive that her son hasn’t yet returned. So to keep her thoughts off she calls on her neighbor, whom she always engages with, singing praises about her son’s deligence to meticulously execute her instruction to a jot.
As the two ladies were talking, infact, it was just one person doing all the talking while the other helplessly listened, there was this sudden sporadic knock accompanied with sounds of, “mummy”, “mummy”, “I am back”
Mom was all joyed to have her boy back, and even more elated at the thought of enjoying the pumpkin pies. Without any delay, she took the bag from her son and opened the lunch box.
What did she see? A dead puppy. With scream of shock, dropping the box down, mom exclaimed, “What is this, Jimmy”
The boy was shocked too, and then continued, “mummy, Granny gave a puppy as gift, and as I was heading home with it in my hands, I suddenly remembered your instruction, so I put the puppy into the lunch box and closed it well”
When the neighbor heard the narration, she couldn’t but burst out in all laughter and then said, “Anne, teach Tommy, common sense, first”
The Moral: Education without Common Sense is as bad as a dead dog- Ancient Philosophy
The Conclusive line of the letter, really drives home the point,…[not really]
The letter ends with the following statement, “We will continue to clearly communicate with our school communities about our ongoing efforts regarding the Coronavirus”
Do you know what is so alarming? It is the use of the word, “Clearly”, when everything this far seen, read and understood, conveys all but one, which is, ” Clear Ignorance”, and lack of understanding of the situation at hand, here we have someone calling it otherwise.
The heights of ignorance is so vivid that the department doesn’t even know the distinction between Coronavirus and general flu.
Concluding remarks
The world is now facing a serious threat from Corona Virus. If, New York City, which is considered one of the top cities of the world adopts such an approach which can only be deemed as irresponsible, then what sort of message are we sending out ?
It is imperative to understand that the Spanish Flu, which started in Philadelphia, duiring the 1920’s, killed around 120 Million people. The reason for such high casuality was simple was reported to be a carefree attitude that nothing terrible would happen.
Thus, it becomes necessary for all those responsible, instead of talking sugar coated words, talk real sense and bring to the attention of the people, the dangers of Coronavirus.
As the old saying goes, it is better to be Safe, than Sorry。
In the interest of time and the expenses involved in hiring writers , the Content concludes here.