Corona Virus…Should you need to fear?

There is a popular saying, “Know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free” These words cannot be more appropriate today than it was ever before. More so, these words merely confirm the fact that no matter how advanced Technology is and that Humans claim to be, yet still they are deeply rooted in the blanket of supertitions and witch hunting.

You don’t believe us? then look for yourself at the situation that is plaguing the world now in the name of Corona Virus. The cries and the fear mongering around this is no better than the middle ages Witch burning, when scores of women were stigamatized and brutally burned merely because they had the guts to standup against fascistic rules.

The Origin of Virus

Till date there is no scientific proof or evidence to ascertain the origin of Virus. The fun part is, there is no Medical definition available to define a Virus. But wait, you want to know what is even funier still? No one has even validated whether a Virus has a configuration of a Living cell or not. Yes, that is truly the heights of backwardness that we live in.

But wait don’t just jump to conclusion and ascertain the limp dick nature of the Modern Medical world. It is not their fault. The fault lies in their stars. Why do we say that? Merely for the reasons that the Field of Medicine can reach the limits merely possible to a Human.

In other words, don’t expect a Medical miracle when it comes to solving things that have multidimensional facets. Specially in the case of Viruses.

So, why are we telling you all these? Just to enable you to understand that you are dealing with an Entity that is beyond the capabilities of Modern Medicine.

In other words, If say a group of Viruses decide to take down the entire Human population, then no power on Earth can prevent them. Why do we say that? For the simple reason that there is no existing cure for any Virus attack on Humans.

The Common Cold is a Virus, but do we have a Cure ?

There are plenty of propagandas and advertisements meant to blow up the advancement of Modern Medicines, but apparently when it comes to obtaining Cures for Virus attacks, the position is always Square one, meaning, they can do Nothing.

Take the most prevalent Common Cold, which is caused by a Virus. Have you anytime heard of a Cure for this? It is said, if you Medicate yourself when on Cold, the Cold would leave you within a Week, but on the Contrary, if you just tolerate it, the Cold would leave you within, 7 days. The difference lies in the way the Field of Medicine cleverly plays with the vocabularies.

Are you catching the point? If not let us explain it to you. No matter what you take, the Common Cold, wouldn’t budge. They will remain there for a week and then on, the symptoms will perish, liberating you. Had you Medicated yourself during that period, then you would credit the Cure to the drugs when on the Contrary it was your Body that fought the Virus out.

The Truth

There are around 320,000 types of Virus variations and of these, the field of Modern Medicine could merely name and classify 200. Does this tell you something?

The fact is, every day, new mutations are formed and there is no way the field of Medicine would keep up to their pace. In fact, it is the heights of idiosyncrasies even to expect or for that matter to aspire that Modern Medicines will have the potency to find cures for such Virus attacks.

Why do we say that? For the simple fact that as of date, the field of Medicine has no clue even how to classify a Virus, leave alone finding a cure. For most times all you will hear is mere insinuations and hypothesis presumptions and presuppositions.

The Message of Hope

The Human Body is the Creation of Marvel. This is irrespective of whether Modern Medicine believes this or not. Now you might ask us as to why do we say that when the most part of the known world adores and proclaims the Theory of Evolution and attributes that Man had originated from Monkeys?

The Reasoning is very simple, the entire concept of Man coming from Monkeys would fall like ash from a smoked cigar merely if we were tell you this fact, which is, the Corona Virus, which is now taking the world by its ears was confirmed to be the one which was passed on from Animals.

In otherwords, this strain of Virus is too commonly found among Animals. Most animals play host to this Virus, yet they never show any signs of coughing, Cold, severe Fever or trouble breathing.

But this has not been the case when it comes to Humans. This Strain of Virus, which is predominantly found in Animals which has found a new host among humans, has brought the entire Human population to its knees. The fear now is so much that free movement of humans is now put on hold by most countries.

The Reasoning

Just think, the world of Intellects claim that Man is from Monkeys, well, if that was so, why then a single Strain of virus transmitted from the Animal kingdom to Humans, has brought the entire Human population to sick bed and quarantines?

It is imperative to understand that the Human Body is so complex that the field of Medicine cannot offer any Cure for any of the sicknesses that plagues mankind, except but to offer supportive care.

In otherwords, the Body that you have is divine and Powerful and if you maintain it well, you wouldn’t be needing any other snake oil to cure your ailments.

The Body’s Army

Believe it or not, your Body has an Army and the Army is always on guard, night and day, 365 days a year。You don’t pay the Army for their services for it is a gift to you.

Any intruder, be it a Virus or a Bacteria, would be dealt with extreme force that you, even in your wildest dreams wouldn’t even be able to comprehend their tenacity.

Don’t Worry and Start Living

So what are we trying to tell you here? Simple, Stop worrying. No Corona Virus would take you down if your defense is Strong. Of course, you might have some initial Fever and Coughs, that merely is the indication that your Army is fighting the Battle and Victory is certain.

So what is the take home point? We live in a world which has a population touching 8 Billion. That would mean, Trillions of pathogens in the air that we breathe, in the places that we live, in the theatres that we gather, in the offices that we work, and the list goes on. Every day, your body is attacked and the mode is invisible.

Today it is Corona Virus, tomorrow it might be Astra and the day after would be Apollora. So the best way to defend and protect yourself would be to have an Immune system that is powerful enough to ward these villians.

Next, don’t worry. John Milton once said, ” A mind can make a Hell out of Heaven and a Heaven out of Hell”, so have a Strong mind and stay Positive, and above all, there is a Higher power in play, whether you like it or not, believe it or not, accept it or not. That being said let us Hope for the Best and live a life of Faith and Harmony.

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