Will Vaccination Protect You From Getting COVID-19?
The following are the excerpts of the interview that our team had conducted with several Health workers and Scientists of notable standing. The content presented here is the actual conversation between a Patient and her Doctor, and it is meant for Educational purposes only. So the much important question here is, Can you still get COVID after Vaccination? If you are unwilling to get educated about this question, we suggest, you don’t scroll past this paragraph.
To get Vaccinated, or Not to get Vaccinated?
The top headlines today is this, “ To get Vaccinated or Not to get Vaccinated”, to do or not to do, is the million dollar trouble that looms over the heads of the commoner. Well, the question even becomes more of a challenge, especially when something that is so hyped and more so it is given freely.

Hey! You just wait, this ain’t Salvation, says Peter, the fisherman, and you better put your gifted senses in action to make wise Judgement for thine own self.

But there is just one problem, and the problem is, there aren’t much people with senses these days, says Thomas. Well, Thomas, Peter continues, you have a point that I can vouch for, today multitudes have been merely reduced to flocks following the one before. But I should say, continued Peter, when you questioned our Master, for proof, at that time, I too thought it was a sign of a rebellious challenge, but the Master didn’t think so and gave you the proof. Thus showing to the world not to accept everything and anything that is told and given even if it was for free.
The following is the Conversation between a Patient and her Doctor

Patient: Doc, I need clarification and education about the Vaccine that is given for COVID19.
Doctor: yes, sure my lady, please ask everything that you would want to know.
Patient: If I get Vaccinated, Can I stop wearing the mask?
Doctor: No
Patient: If I get Vaccinated, can they open restaurants and bars and everyone work Normally?
Doctor: No
Patient: If I get Vaccinated, will I be Resistant to COVID?
Doctor: May be, but we don’t know, there is no research to affirm that you wouldn’t get and probably the vaccine won’t prevent you getting it.
Patient: If I get Vaccinated, at least I won’t be contagious to others anymore, Right?
Doctor: No, No way, you can’t say that. There is no evidence that you won’t pass it on to others
Patient: If I get all my children Vaccinated, will schools resume Normally?
Doctor: No
Patient: If I get Vaccinated, can I stop Social Distancing?
Doctor: No
Patient: If I get Vaccinated, can I stop disinfecting my Hands?
Doctor: No
Patient: If I get My grandfather Vaccinated, can we hug each other on my Birthday?
Doctor: No, not even on his mother’s birthday
Patient: If I get Vaccinated, Will Cinemas, Theatres, and Stadiums be reopened?
Doctor: No
Patient: If I get Vaccinated, can my friends and I gather to gossip
Doctor: NO
Patient: Then what is the real benefit of Vaccination?
Doctor: The virus won’t kill you
Patient: Are you really sure, If I get Vaccinated the Virus won’t kill me?
Doctor: I am not sure but Statistically the Virus won’t kill you
Patient: If Statistically the Virus did not kill me now, then why would I get vaccinated now?
Doctor: To protect others
Patient: So, If I get Vaccinated, others are 100% sure that I am NOT infecting them?
Doctor: No, I wouldn’t be able to say that. You see, it is just Statistically saying, meaning there is just a probability and not a surety.
Patient: So, Doctor, can I summarize my understanding from this educated conversation between us, just for clarity and understanding.
Doctor: Sure

The Vaccine Does NOT give Immunity
The Vaccine Does NOT Eliminate the Virus
The Vaccine Does NOT stop you from passing it on to others
The Vaccine Does NOT stop you from getting it
The Vaccine Does NOT eliminate the need for travel bans
The Vaccine Does NOT eliminate the need for business closures
The Vaccine Does NOT eliminate the need for Shopping malls closures
The Vaccine Does NOT eliminate the need for Cinemas, Theatres and Stadiums closures
The Vaccine Does NOT eliminate the need for Schools, Colleges and Universities Closures
The Vaccine Does NOT eliminate the need for Social distancing
The Vaccine Does NOT eliminate the need for Lockdowns
The Vaccine Does NOT eliminate the need for wearing mask
Is there anything that I missed, Doctor?
Doctor: No, you have got all of them Correct
Patient: Then what the Hell is the Vaccine really doing to us?