How the Indian Millennials, destroyed the Indian Auto sector
Whether you accept it or not, the fate of a Country is judged by its Youth. That being said, if you meticulously don’t guide them in the direction that they ought to go, they would always end up at places where you wouldn’t want them to end up. Thus causing Mayhem and Disaster.
That has exactly happened to the Indian Auto Sector, which was at one time was considered second only to Germany. Now, the state is so pathetic that the Indian Main stream is doing its best to brush the facts under its spawning lies by keeping everybody distracted with their petty stories
The slowdown in the automobile sector and slump in car sales can be attributed to the emerging taxi-hailing services like Ola and Uber in India?
This has been the widely used Statement for justifying ones recklessness in not doing the Job right. We live in a world of Technology outbursts and there is no stopping to that anytime soon. Countries are moving everything from Business transactions to even meeting their next wife or husband online. Mind it, we are not justifying its use or abuse, but merely citing you facts at which the world is heading to.
So given the existing Status Quo, there is no hindrance for App based Taxi services to come up with innovative ways to market their product solutions. In fact, no matter what the companies say or do, it is after all the People who would judge and give their businesses to. That would mean, unless the Solutions offered is good or even better, no conventional method could or would be replaced.
An everyday brush with disaster on Mumbai’s crowded railway

This is how the masses suffer in leading cities, everyday, and this is just to commute to their work places. Now, if it was you, the question would be, what would you do to alleviate your Misery ? Humans have always done that, and that would be to hunt for Solutions or seek out people who could provide you with Solutions.
That is exactly what Ola and Uber, have done. they knew the Dangers that is hovering everyday before the working public and the stress involved in everyday travel, Dhoom !, came in their Solution.
What is the solution to over crowded local trains in Mumbai?
Millions were pumped in to hunt and find for the Solutions, but none materialized or to be fair, none was even considered, neither the voice of the Masses nor the views of the intellect, we don’t know why ? The topic became so popular that it began circulating on the Social media, soliciting Views, and Ideas and possible remedial measures.
Then came in these Taxi-APPs, and they became an instant hit, why ? the reasons were quite clear. Would you let your son or your daughter, or your wife or your husband, to face catastrophic dangers, everyday ? No, Never, at least not in the right mind.
So the take home point is this, to blame Uber or Ola, for the fall of the Automobile sector is nothing more than blaming the Silver tailed buffalo for the poor Economic growth. Is this fair ? But who cares ? you ought to have something to blame it on, so comes the Silver tailed buffalo’s fate.
India’s Finance Minister Says Car Sales Are Slumping and the reason – Millennials
There might be more than an Element of Truth to this Statement. But the problem with the Main stream media is that, instead of scrutinizing the thought with inquisitive bent of mind, they wield their pens to Tarnish and Humiliate the messenger.
This has been occurring from time immemorial and today is no different. In fact, mocking is the best weaponry that Main stream media has, especially when it decides to get at you or anybody for that matter.
This weaponry not only protects their interests, but comes off as an unintended soft assault that has to be taken on grounds that it is merely Humorous. So the end result is that, nothing serious comes out of the Original thought from the messenger, other than an out of context laughter.
The Youth of the world have changed Nations History
Whether you believe it or not, it is always the Youth of a Nation who have dictated the destiny of that Nation. You need evidence, then here they are.
Take the 1950’s era of United States. The middle classes were Family oriented, they attended Church every week, got around families, spent time with the Old and learned the Right way to do things. For twenty years, America was Heaven on Earth, for Family Life, Integrity, Morality, and Obedience and Discipline. These, 20 years, propelled America to achieve peaks of unforseen advancements in areas of Science, Technology and International Trade.
The Culture of the 1980’s
Then came in the Cultural revolution of Free thinking, the Weed culture, the Bob Marley, the Bee Gees, the Michael Jacksons, and so on. Yes, we saw a great many taboo things there weren’t to be even talked off, became all the more common in the real society. Flirting, Dating, Extramarital, all became the highlights of the Society. But the momentum of the 1950’s era still kept the Morality and Culture intact. Also the then Rock stars and the Actors of the Hollywood, ensured that they stayed within their bounds and not go all out to corrupt the future generation.
The Culture of 2000’s
This Culture was the last nail in the Coffin, why ?, because, they removed the distinction between Man and Animal. The heights of Lunacy was so much, that at one place they talk of Equal Rights and Individual Freedom and at the other side, they are conducting marriages between Katy and the dog, Bumbey. The much important point to ask here would be, did they ask the consensus from Bumbey, for being married to Katy ? No, and so a serious injustice caused upon, Bumbey. So where would Bumbey, go for justice ? Nowhere. Because all of the system is now designed to favor unilaterally the progression of one sex, if you may wish to so call. Soon, there would be no Males in America with virility according to a lead reporter and social analyst.
Thus, Gun shots, Crime, Violence, Racial intolerance, all have ascended to all time high. Today, you wouldn’t even dare to venture out and walk the open streets of Network after sun down.
The reasons are simple, the Youths of the land, wanted this style of living. Freedom, and More freedom, nonsense and more nonsense and finally a point where, there is no Morality, no Respect and Integrity and no Personal freedom.
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India is following the lead set by America, no wonder the economy is chaotic
That same culture which was instrumental in transforming America, from a place which was once a haven for Family, Integrity and Morality into place where Adultery, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Immorality have all become the accepted forms of life, is taking hold of India by its neck. And the consequences are always going to be the same.
There was once a time in India, where Educational System followed the Gurukul Model, that is, the teacher is held in high esteem and the students are expected to follow instructions. For ages the system served the nation well, then came the onslaught upon the educational system.
Soon teachers were all reduced to mere bystanders and offending students were merely condoned. Thus the beginning of system, which tirelessly strives to annihilate the virtue and discipline. Thus, when these two pillars are removed, the educational system remains merely a formality.
The Educators who are to be held in high regard are being treated worse than third class laborers
Today, teachers occupy probably the lowest of the lower ranks in Indian society. In fact, a Bollyhood actor would easily be recognized and rewarded with a Honorary doctorate many times before a teacher gets his or her service recognition.
There is neither money nor respect in the profession. So much so, there had been several incidents where teachers were man handled, threatened, beaten up, or even raped. A pathetic state and a mere indicator where the younger generation has headed to.
The future of India Auto sector is grim
When the Finance minister, attributed the fall of the Auto industry to the Millennilas, she said it right, in fact, she was prophetic in calling out the first of the main things to follow. One simple fact to justify is the Millennials’s, lackadaisical attitude towards their own future and responsibilities to be shouldered.
Today, most of the city colleges is habituated by students who have no desire what so ever to make to the top. Lack of Focus, Lack of Determination, Lack of Drive, Lack of Dedication, all of the other lacks that you can think off, can be accorded upon.
For most times all that students do is spend time over the Social media, and view videos of nonchalance and vagabond personification to proliferate their thoughts. Equivalently, the Cinema adds more fuel to this by focusing on characters that neither encourages not stirs the masses towards growth.
As the good book says, “People without Vision, perish”, this is exactly what the Millennials are heading too. For with every vision, comes the aspiration and the Zeal to work for the things that they desire. When the work is put in, it translates into a domino effect, visible in all of the other sectors.
The Hit that the Auto industry took, is merely the beginning or more precisely the translation of the attitude and work ethic that the oncoming generation possesses.
It is critical to understand the Humans have advanced mainly because of their desire, the desire to achieve and conquer always kept the fire burning bright. When this desire dies, it is decay all the way too soon. For in the absence of Growth, Life perishes.
In other words, we aspire for things of good and comfort and those aspirations drives us to strive and work hard, for it is the effort that is the single most propelling force for any economy.
However, when laziness and lackadaisical life style set in, it results in rottenness.
Thus, when the Finance Minister, mentioned the cause and the effect, she was merely hinting at things to come. More so, her predictions and final conclusions with regard to the Auto industry fall, were perfectly to the dot.
So, rather than getting angry, for calling the spade a spade, the Millennials should put their acts together, and walk the path of Persistence, perseverance and Dedication.
Contributor: Malini Vijeya, a Social activists and youth educator.