Diabetes Myths-NDTV.com, got it all wrong

The motivation behind in writing this post is to point out the erroneous content presented by NDTV.com, titled, “A Lot Has Been Said About Diabetes! Debunking Some Of The Common Myths And Facts About Diabetes“, under the claim debunking myths associated with Diabetes, the website manages to spew information that are unreal,  claims that are false and  medical opinions that are adulterated with fallacies.

NDTV.com, attributes Eating sugar and related Diabetes risk, as a myth.

When in fact, just merely taking sugar out of the equation, you can almost annihilate the disease from you life.

However, the post by NDTV, seemed to have other agendas in mind. This is very clearly visible, when the website mentions the words of Dr. Sujeet Jha, who says, “Eating sugar as a part of healthy meal plan combined with exercise, people with diabetes can eat sweets. The key to eating sweets is to have a very small portion.”

Eating sugar can never be part of a healthy meal plan, it is like saying to a patient in drug rehab, you can smoke weed and use cocaine in Moderation and as part of your healthy rehab journey.

In a research study conducted on two groups of rats, it was found that the group which was administered white sugar exhibited chronic addiction behaviors than the group that was administered Cocaine.

You can also read, this research work titled, “Evidence for sugar addiction: Behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake”, Nicole M. Avena, Pedro Rada, Bartley G. Hoebel.

Sugar Addiction and Diabetes

Sugar has been found to be associated with characteristic changes in the mesolimbic pathway (MLP) in the brain . Factors known to influence the MLP and increase the risk of addictions include genetic polymorphisms and environmental influences. Foods and beverages containing high concentrations of sugar are examples of the latter.

Excessive sugar consumption causes changes in the MLP that mimic the effects of drugs of abuse (DOA).  Furthermore, changes in the MLP resulting from the excessive ingestion of sugar have been demonstrated to increase the likelihood of future drug use.

In other words, in most cases, consumption of sugar even as part of regular diet, either in portions acceptable often acts as a gateway drug. Thus making the patient to crave for more. What more, there is a limit that the human body can process the incoming sugars.

At a certain point, unprocessed sugars get sidelined to be stored as Body Fats. With each passing day, more fat gets added, and then Obesity sets in with the likelihood of the person becoming diabetic hitting all time high.

Perfectly Wrong

Thus, Dr. Sujeet Jha, is perfectly wrong and flawed when suggestion to include, sugar as part of an healthy diet. The reason, progressively the person becomes addicted to sugar consumption, leading to obesity and Diabetes.

Sugar consumption-Insulin resistance-Diabetes

Research has found that refined sugar consumption to be the reason that a person develops insulin resistance and subsequently Diabetes. High intake of refined sugars is associated with detrimental effects on metabolism that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes. 

Please read, “ A review of recent evidence relating to Sugars, insulin resistance and diabetes”, A. Macdonald, Eur J Nutr. 2016; 55(Suppl 2): 17–23. Published online 2016 Nov 23. doi: 10.1007/s00394-016-1340-8.

Under Myth 7, the website, promotes the use of Rice and Fruits for Diabetic,

NDTC.com., advises to include, Rice, Mangoes, Bananas, Watermelons, Cherries, litchis and other fruits in a diabetic diet. And then on substantiates its claim by mentioning that Fruits have Fibre and other essential nutrients. Therefore, eliminating them completely from their diet is not a wise decision.

Understanding how this suggestion can do more Harm

Fruits have fructose, and whether you eat it occasionally or every day, you put yourself at arms length of danger for a severe hike in Blood Sugar levels.

If you are not suffering from Diabetes, then be watchful and don’t fall in to this trap that Fruits are high in Fiber and that would mean, they are good.

In fact, Research has conclusively found a correlation between Fructose and Diabetics. Diabetes induced by a high fructose diet

Final thoughts

In the interest of time, money and research that had gone into the post, we wish to curtail our post to the above mentioned items only. For we had found that any lighthearted treatment with regard to Sugar can have dangerous consequences.

Please note, this post is presented as a service to the community. we do not get paid in any manner.

CAMHARP.com, does NOT recommend any Medicine or Medical/practioner or Physician/s. to anybody. All content placed here is from Published Research available to all on the domain

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