Amanda Hess-just got it all wrong-“People Don’t Bribe College Officials to Help Their Kids. They Do It to Help Themselves”

This post serves to show that Amanda Hess, who wrote the following post, titled, “People Don’t Bribe College Officials to Help Their Kids. They Do It to Help Themselves” did so on a wrong premise, that an “elite school is a branding exercise, that brand is perhaps more valuable to rich parents than to rich kids. An under performing, school-averse teenager is often content to attend a low-pressure state school with good parties; it’s his parents who are desperate to prevent this”.

 Amanda Hess, pens an entire post crucifying the Rich parents as if they had done something out of the way, failing to see in detail the Admission process that Ivy leagues and Universities have in place.

The post that Amanda Hess presents, does no justification, and is more of an insinuation and does not provide supportive arguments or evidences, so as to facilitate the commoner to achieve a complete understanding of the scandal.

Instead, it delicately shifts the blame to all of the Rich parents involved, so much so, Amanda Hess, finds it comfortable to use the word “People”, this only goes to show that the writer doesn’t want to shoulder any responsibilities for her actions. In short, an one sided view that is faulty from the very beginning.


The reason that this scandal got everyone’s attention is due to the fact that getting admitted into a prestigious college had become an unachievable and an unbelievable dream to many.

Just take a look at the Admission process to some of these colleges. You would faint after page 3, answering those varied degree of questions and the format that you are requested to enter them in.

The colleges admission process is so herculean that it had cultured several service based industries around the process so as to cater the needs of aspiring students.

The irony here would be, without the green dollar bill waved at, you wouldn’t even be entertained a minute at their front desk.

For these industries are well aware that only the affluent can pay and they are the ones who are worth their time spent. In other words, why spend Major time on futile prospects-a basic marketing principle.

For many are not aware that Education of today are solely for the rich, for they are the people who could afford. Look at the enrollment requirement for an Ivy league institution.

It starts with Counseling, which would mean that the student would have to be explained in all details what he or she could expect to do during the process and the requirements of varied magnitudes that they would need to comply and provide.

Each session would run at least a couple of hours, and would always be handled by an expert, whose time would have to be bought, that costs a real big money. Specially, if you want one on one services.

Next comes for the Test phase. You need to prepare for this, as information has it, it is mandatory that you as an aspiring student, Prepare and Give the test.

There are two things that are involved. One, the time that you invest into these preparations, and second is filling the application process for taking these tests, there is again cost is involved, leave alone the time, the effort and the classes that you would attend to take these tests.

Application Process:After you receive the scores, you need to start the application process, but be reminded, given the level of competition that you would face, it is generally advisable to apply to at least 10 schools, and this is Real big money that we are talking about.

We have just placed herein few of the challenges, with such complexities of Money, Time, Effort being involved. Given these odds, the chances for a student coming from an average economic background is very slim.

The System is for the Rich:In short, the system is designed for the Rich, for the Rich have the monies and all higher education needs funding, funding in large amounts..

You don’t need Rocket science to understand this and possibly work out the Conjecture’s solution, that it is these families who will and would afford the extras that go in that would enable their kids to stand out and win. It is not an even playing field, understand that.

Stop Blaming the Rich:So we should stop blaming the Rich parents. Like all, they too have dreams for their children and in fact, they are spending their hard earned money.

Money that comes to them with their sheer determination, effort and continuous perseverance, Money that pays for the federal and local government Taxes.

Money that keeps the economy going. For the Rich support the Milk and Honey of the land, so stop blaming the Rich parents, they are the life line of the society.

The Blame it on them,the Rich parents:The colleges have done well in avoiding the Blame and had easily passed it on to the Parents. Now we see posts such as these, “People Don’t Bribe College Officials to Help Their Kids. They Do It to Help Themselves”, cleverly titled by Newyork times magazine, to portray as if it is the fault of the parents.

Well in fact it should be the other way around. It is these Colleges who are to take the blame for setting up a system that has gone the other way, and for pandering to the metrics set up college rankings.

A simple application of logic will tell you the fact, The larger the applicant pool, the lower their acceptance rates, and the better they rank in the WR rankings.

Colleges have their admissions officers fan out across the country every Fall encouraging students to apply, while remaining coy about exactly what they want from a student.

Better off parents hire college consultants to help them figure it out. Lay the responsibility where it belongs, with the colleges. The parents are simply responding to the system set up by the colleges.

And do not blame Olivia Jade or other students involved for taking somebody’s place who had better academic competence.

Honestly speaking the had not taken anyone’s place, for this anyone that you guys are talking about in the social media, just wouldn’t be able to make it out there. For the system is not designed for this academically competent he or she.

Contributor:-Murphy Hayden

Viewer Advice: Views expressed here are those of Murphy Hayden, CAMHARP does not recommend or share these views.

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