14 Health benefits of Coffee

The Coffee Power: Are you happy with your life? Are you satisfied with the money you may? Do you wish to go places and enjoy the delicacies of the world? If you desire an answer then this post is for you.

To get more out of life, you need to put more into life. The Proverbial saying, what you sow, so shall you reap is more true to life. If you are looking for an aid who would help you on this quest then look no further. The aid is, Coffee.

Of the 100 successful people who were interviewed with a question to name the factors that influenced their success, 99, attributed them to waking up early. Surely, this would make a huge difference. Just imagine, you have 2 hours extra than someone, and the wonders you could do with them. That would mean, 365 * 2 = 730 hours in a year, which would mean, 31 additional complete days, and 248, 8 hour working days.

This would almost turn your life into what you want of it. But the question is to wake up. This action alone is not possible to be repeated every day and more so to commit to it day in and day out, would require more than a Mortal’s effort.

There is another part to this, after waking up, you need to stay awake, a Research study performed showed, that of the 50 people who were subjected to an experiment of staying awake, 47 of them returned to their sleep within 30 minutes.

So the challenge is to stay awake, of course, motivation from within will be responsible for you waking up in the first place and then on the motivation from an external source that will keep you awake. Coffee is that external motivator that would do the job more than you demand of it.

Coffee protects your Heart: Coronary Heart disease is a leading cause of death in America. 1 in every 3 men and 1 in every 2 women suffer from this. The cause for this is largely due to the fact that the blood supply in the Arteries is blocked due to Clogging. If you are a coffee drinker then you ward this off. Studies conducted in Brazil and in Korea ascertain this fact. So drink your Coffee without guilt.

Coffee and DNA: Studies have shown that Coffee drinkers have stronger DNA integrity thus preventing any Spontaneous DNA disintegrations.

Coffee and Depression: Studies have shown that Coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer from chronic depression. One reason may be due to caffeine content that acts as pleasure center in the brain and enhances relaxation effects.

Coffee and Parkinson’s: Coffee drinkers will never suffer from this syndrome.

Coffee and Bowel movement: Want to hit it all out then drink a cup of Java the very first thing you wake up. Studies have shown that a cup of hot Coffee will stimulate the Colon 7 times faster enabling to release the toxin without a fight.

Coffee and low diabetes risk: Research is very conclusive as to the effect of Coffee in preventing the onset of Type II diabetes.

Coffee and lungs: If you are suffering from Lung congestion, try drinking a cup of freshly brewed hot coffee. Studies have shown that Coffee reduces Phlegm build up.

Coffee and liver: if you use alcohol then try including coffee in you diet. Coffee has been known to offer a protective cover to the liver.

Coffee and Erection: Did you know, Coffee can increase the power of your Erections. Try it out. The next time you have set a date to launch, ensure that you have spent some time drinking coffee and having a trial run.

Coffee and Kidney: Coffee is a strong diuretic and in a way rids the body of toxins by flushing them out. Coffee keeps the kidneys active which in a way acts as an internal exercise for them. Use them or you will miss them

Coffee and workout: Coffee is a good pre-workout drink. The hot java will stimulate every cell in your body preparing them for the workout ahead and that means you don’t have to spend much time in the warm up phase.

Coffee and tooth decay: research has shown that Coffee will protect your teeth from tooth decay.

Coffee and social: Coffee is a healthy social habit to indulge in. More so you can make a lot of friends with this habit.


Coffee and Weight gain

Never add Cream or Milk or Milk substitute in Coffee. Though one cup a day with Milk or Cream is acceptable, but the point of concern is, people do not stop with just a cup and start the indulgence cycle. Milk and Cream can increase and contribute to body weight which can then gravitate to Obesity and all the health risk may follow.  

Coffee and Sweetener: Though Coffee drinking can drastically reduce the onset of Type II Diabetes, yet still care should be adopted while adding sweeteners. Never use Sugar. Never use any type of Artificial Sweetener.

Sugar will put in your risk of several Health risks while most Artificial Sweeteners  are cancer causing.

How to Drink Coffee

Drink straight Black, you are free to add some Honey, but make sure you are adding real Honey.

How may Cups:

Coffee can be addicting, so don’t go overboard. Limit to just 3 cups a day, 4 maximum

Where to buy: Buy quality brands, most Coffee sold in the Coffee shop have additional stimulants known to cause cancers, so know the brand and what goes in.

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