ADHD and the whip called Adderall

Have you heard of this fancy word, ADHD. Well, if you have not, let us shed some light. ADHD, stands for Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder. When a normal attention span of Adults is around 3 minutes, here we have a diagnosis under the title, Attention Deficit.

Just take a look at the expansion for ADHD, closely. It has two actions combined together. Attention Deficit and Hyper Activity. On one end you are claiming that the person is a Dumb, for he has Attention issues whilst on the other end you suddenly claim that the same person is Hyper active. Heights of Idiosyncrasies.

When did it become a crime for a Child to be a Child?

It is said between 3 and 7 years, the cognitive levels of a child is on par with a Genius. Then you enroll the child into the school system and from the heights of being a genius, the child slumbers and starts to throw signs of anxiety and questions the very element of attending school.

The teacher explains Linear equations, and the child poses a question, “how is this linear equation important to my future?” The question is perfectly valid, as it is said, “A soldier fights well, if he knows the cause for the battle” Of course it is the responsibility of the teacher to explain the Pros and Cons of studying a concept, instead, the teacher launches a frontal attack at the child, “how dare have you questioned my authority over this subject, for sure you are a trouble maker and trouble makers have no room in my class”

So, thus, an intelligent child who had displayed great learning and understanding capabilities, is now brought to knees and more so made into a patient with the diagnosis, ADHD and prescribed Adderall.

My son Tommy is too intelligent for you and your class

Once upon a time there was a little boy by name called, Tommy. Tommy was kind and good and well mannered. But apparently his teacher thought otherwise. One day, Tommy turned up to school without completing his Math homework. The teacher became so wild that she wrote a note on the back of Tommy’s Math book, and instructed that he get his mother’s signature.

Tommy, upon his return home, innocently took the Math book out and went eagerly to show his mom. The mother on seeing the note was shocked and stunned, and on the Math notebook, the following line was written, “Your son Tommy is too dumb for Math”

The Mother, took the notebook and on it she wrote the following reply,”My son Tommy is too intelligent for a dumb like you to be taught”, and asked Tommy to give it back to the teacher.

The boy Tommy that we are talking here about is, Sir Thomas Edison, the man who brought light into American homes. It is imperative to understand, Sir Thomas Edison, had less than 3 years of education and still went on to become the Richest and the most famous man, America has ever seen.

Now the much important question here to ask, do schools or teachers or principals or even the doctors, have the right or the authority to term and classify a child as ADHD, when their cognition is itself questionable.

It is reported that today more people die in hospitals than from the very cause of the illness. You can search and read those countless complaints from the near and dear ones of patients posted on the social media.

It has been reported that the very fact that Spanish Flu killed 120 million people was largely because of doctors who had no clue as to what they were dealing with. Large doses of Aspirin were administered to patients leading to Lung edema and subsequent death.

Let us understand Hyperactivity

Do you know the major part of the world is hooked on Caffeine. Caffeine is actually a drug cum beverage that has the ability to increase that part of the brain responsible for increased cognitive behavior and attention output, meaning it makes you hyperactive.

That is one of the foremost reason that leading soda manufacturers knowingly add increased amounts of Caffeine and call it a beverage. The question here is, when the world runs on fixes such as these, then howbeit can a Medical diagnosis tag and term a person to suffer from Hyper Activity Disorder?

After hours of interviews and meeting Scientists, Doctors and Educators of great standings we finally learned that the reasons for terming a person to suffer from Hyper Activity Disorder, is largely due to the fact that he or she portrays these signs on merely being intrinsically excited and that the behavior is not induced by an external drug or any Caffeinated drinks. Had it been caused by external agents, then it is considered perfectly Normal.

Why the Rich drop out of Schools

When it is said, Education is necessary and attending schools and universities are imperative. Apparently it has to observed that the Rich and the Accomplished never complete their Education, wondered why?

Two valid examples to ascertain the point would be the cases of, Mr. Mark Zuckerberg and Mr. Bill Gates. Both are considered to be among the richest people in the world with net worth spanning several millions.

But the most important question to be asked here would be, Why did they drop out of the school system ?

Well, you don’t need to go much far to find the answers. Both were inventors of technologies that are now widely used. To achieve these feats for sure their mind and the brain should work in the manner and order that is way out of the ordinary person.

Guess what? Had they been in a school system, for sure some lecturer or professor would have crossed swords with them and for sure would have tagged them to have ADHD, why? Because they do not conform to the set expectations of the lecturer or the professor, you see, it is Attention Deficit, when you don’t do what you were told to do and what everybody does.

The take home point is, when you do things that everybody does, you would merely be as everybody. But Bill and Mark, are not just everybody, they are Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.

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