Mum’s warning to other parents after son experiences extreme allergic reaction to Halloween sweets-are you kidding?
You can read the story that appeared on Yahoo lifestyle, by Clicking the link
Foremost, the very first sight at the photograph got our imagination flying wide open. We actually thought a teenager posing a photo shoot with his matured woman friend.
We besiege thee oh! madam, for the sake of sanity and parenthood, please exercise some levels of modesty. For the media of Internet is not exclusively meant for your household pleasures, to flaunt half covered breasts with a child, but it is a Media that reaches the far corners of the world, to the regions, where Modesty and Respect and family values are still held high.
Though these values may have been lost on your side, yet kindly be considerate of those who still hold these as their bench mark when it comes to raising a family.
The Main story
Well, having got that out of our system, let us now begin to delve into this story, that popped up in our News Recommendation from Yahoo.
This is a story where a Mom is sending out warnings to other parents, about her son’s allergic reaction, experienced after what she claims resulted from a Lollipop treat offered by neighbors.
Now the mother initiates the blame game and accuses the people who gave these treats to her son. According to the mother, the allergic reactions had resulted subsequently upon consumption of these treats.
The accusation is too vague and may be purported to gain global publicity via this stunt.
Key points to be observed here

Good People!, please observe the lips of the boy. Do you see what we see? The upper and lower lips are completely covered with Black and White paint like substance.
Apparently the mother has failed to realize that the largest organ in the human body is the skin and more so the fact that skin breathes and it is not that difficult for Toxic chemical to penetrate the skin and reach the Blood.
Basic Understanding
It is imperative to understand that most of these Chemicals used to create such Horrific faces have a ton of Toxic chemicals latent in them. And here we have a Child with a face completely immersed in this Toxic makeup, yet the mother doesn’t see it to be a cause.
The pain here is that the mother is so blind that she doesn’t even have a slightest clue about this. The heights of idiosyncrasy of the mother here is to the fact that she is playing the Accuser game directing her Vedanta against the harmless treats consumed internally while the lips are swollen externally. What a joke? When was the last time did we get your lips became swollen because of consuming a treats? [please share your story with us]
Reckless act from the Mother
According to the mother, after eating the lollipop, the boy complains that his lips are feeling funny. Now if that was the case, the mother’s first duty should have been to call the family doctor and not resort to playing the Pediatrician herself. Any wise and caring mother would have done it.
Instead the mother in this context, gives allergy medication to the Child. Now, after receiving the medication, the boy starts to vomit, which only means the Medication given is not Appropriate causing an Adverse Drug Reaction to the Child.
Now this would only mean, the body has reached its limits to absorb and handle Toxins and since it is beyond its capability, the only way the body handles toxins in the blood, would be to initiate Vomiting.
This would only mean that the Child’s body has already accumulated enough Toxicity to levels that the body is unable to handle any further.
Why did the Child take the lollipop at the first place-the untold story
Now the reason he took the lollipop at the very first place may be because of the irritable feeling that was dawning upon him because of the already consumed food which apparently has been producing a feeling of discomfort and gas. However there is no mention of these vital facts from the mother’s side, neither the time when the lollipop was consumed. some tangy taste would curtail . But self medication did not go as planned.
Mother’s warning to others- Coverup to her Negligence
The mother claims that the Lollipop had some traces of nuts glazed over it, if that was so, why did she not inspect them prior to giving it to her boy.
Any caring mother would foremost inspect the food before dishing out, specially in cases where the Child has known Allergic reactions to nuts. Why did the mother fail to perform the simple scrutiny check is a vital question to pose here.
This we call, Negligence of parenting.
Mother’s dramatization works well
Foremost, you [mother] were lackadaisical in your responsibilities and now you play the Blame game, bravo!

Look at the make up the boy is wearing, there is a high probability that the Toxic chemicals could have been ingested either through the nasal cavity or through the mouth. The boy’s lips are completely covered with a white paint like substance, and yet the mother doesn’t see the need to read those as suspected poisoning.
The mother is glad that the boy did not consume any treats while alone. This is probably the best story so far with added dramatization. Are you kidding the world? The a child with treats and waiting patiently for the mother to say, “hear boy, you can now have this treat”
Conclusion-who is the culprit

Of course the Child has suffered serious consequences cause of his mother’s reckless behavior. Though Yahoo, portrays the mother to be an experienced mother and more so whose bravery and alertness has averted major issues for the child, which in reality is far from the truth. However, we all know that given Yahoo’s reputation and ability, to change, Left to Right, Truth into Deception, and Deception into Truth, is a mere child’s play. We all also know that, to infer the truth of the story from Yahoo’s perspective would merely mean that we are missing the Truth. Thus, let common sense prevail.
This act of the Mother to blame the Treats offered by Neighbors takes the community towards an Anti Social Attitude. Instead of accepting her careless and reckless behavior, she safely passes the ball on to her neighbors, calling their Treats as fraudulent.
The irony is, the reckless mother cleverly titled her accusation as Warning to Parents. The question to ask here would be, were her Neighbors not parents? don’t they not have the same care and concern to the children of the neighborhood?
Now, after this news, every parent will adopt the same approach. No Child will be entertained or treated with a treat for the fear of being accused.
Shame on this mother, apart from being the culprit, she has now changed a joyful fun activity into a real Nightmare.