The Dangers of going all APPs
In today’s word, an individual is merely the product of his or her choice. The Choices that they make will determine their heights of success. If you make the wrong choice then you have no one else to blame but you.
The idea of this Post is to bring knowledge to those who are installing all kinds of APPs on to their phones without a second thought and more so without a time to pause and reflect to see if what they are doing will contribute to their good interest.
APPs or Applications are meant to bring the information that you need in a simple and lucid matter. This would mean, the user need not have to burn the midnight oil to get what he or she would require.
Well, these can be good and at times may have disastrous impact to this ease of life.
According to Research, 90% of all APPs are considered flawed and have Risks of Malware, Identity thefts and Virus injectors. This means you are just walking into the middle of a High way thinking that the white striped lines[Zebra Crossing] that you see will automatically ensure your safety and transport you to the other end in no time.
But what you have failed to understand is that the very effectiveness of the white striped lines [Zebra Crossing] depends on the Red Stop Light across, whether if it is glowing or Not.
That is to say that It is your responsibility to ascertain the validity of the APPs, to see if they follow Good User Ethics [GUE], to see if their privacy statement values your interest Too or if it is ones sided, like Facebook.
You are the judge and the master of the functioning of your life and that includes your phones too.
This post is not meant to be judgmental and should be treated only as knowledge/information presented. It is solely the responsibility of the user to decide what to use and apply and what not.
We do not say All APPS are bad and at the same time we do no say All APPs are good and trust worth.
Your Clientele will be lost in a twinkle of an eye
Clients are the Blood nutrients that flows through your contact Arteries to keep the Heart of your business enterprise, pumping, healthy and with vitality.
Clearly the most important element here is the Contact Arteries that bring in the Nutrients. But do you know the APPs that you have on your Mobile Phone could easily Route your Contact Arteries to someone else’s heart.
According to reports, this is going on, believe it or not, just look around, in no time, suddenly the next door business which is fairly new, starts to get all the business for reasons that would cause the genuine market leader to wonder.
How is this done? To understand one doesn’t need Rocket Science cognitive abilities. Simple, the APP that the true Market leader installed to keep track of her Evening Exercise routines is stealing her information.
This may include, where she goes during her walks, whom she meets, where does she takes the ones whom she meets, her duration of her conversation, and the worst of all her, with a few more dollars, her conversation too.
The highest bidder would get all the data, and obviously that would be the businesswoman’s next door competitor.
Research says such actions of Clientele transfer would be done in gradual stages applying as though effective Marketing Strategies were employed for Business growth on the contrary it was through devious means.
Progressively the APP will sell and then transfer these leads so much so that the Owner of the Business will ponder in bafflement as to what is going wrong.
That is when the final hit of missing that million dollar contract comes in and the Business drifts into oblivion state of no return.
The owner of the business will still think that it was the million dollar contract loss that had caused the fall, when on the contrary it was the APP that caused the fall.
The Harmless Exercise APP that was meant to help the User to reduce and get in shape for better did something more than that. It got its designer rich and killed the sincerity of Trust.
Your conversations are sold for monetary gains
That harmless Public speaking APP, which you thought would improve your presentation skill is silently documenting all your talks and conversations.
Well you might think, so what? That is right, if you are a person who would work the same job for next 20 years of your time and sleep in the same couch and do the same routine, this Alert would not matter to you.
But what if you are person of great standing, an influencer, or a role model that people look up to, a congress women or a senator, an actor or an actress, a director or a play writer. The consequences of this are untold.
One for that matter that you are star and that would mean there are always competitors on the other end willingly studying plans to make you null and void. For there is great gain to them.
To achieve this, they need not look further. For these APPs that the individual out of his or her volition had installed will do the job for them.
It is the responsibility of the individuals to watch their ways and actions for they are considered as stars by the community, the society and are expected to function, act and perform with utmost care.
The people who hold such views have no idea that these individuals are humans too, just like us. So when the element of supernatural is tied to these stars, the expectations scales are high too.
But as humans, individuals of higher standing at times may wander off from the original standpoint and might utter a word or too that may contradict to what they stand for.
Honestly, that doesn’t mean that they should immediately be judged, condemned and crucified, it just only means that the listener should apply the essence of commonsense to differentiate the chaff from the Grains.
It can also be the case where a word can be taken out of context and manipulated to show as if the person on the other end, said or spoke with ulterior motives and hidden intentions, when in reality that was not the case.
You are being Photographed without your knowledge
Your body is a Temple- Holy Bible
But Cyber crime has no meaning or significance to this statement, for it is not theirs, it is yours, it is not their possession, it is your possession, so why should they care.
All these miscreants think is money earned from scrupulous and devious means and even if that would mean to degrade, deprive and destroy the lives of the innocent.
To achieve this, these miscreants need not have to go further, The APPs are there to help them. The Social media/Movie APP that you had installed innocently thinking that you would be able to see the best of Hollywood/Bollywood movies is recording your privacy without your knowledge and providing fixes to some devouring eyes to feast on you.
Studies have shown that victims photos and motion videos were also used by these crime perpetrators to extract monies using threats of making the content public.
Your Credit Card and Related banking information can be Stolen
Your traveling on a thin budget and you had heard from friends about an APP that will help you secure Bed Breakfast and fresh air and much more. So you got this download link and got the APP installed.
You logged in and secured the room with a host, you paid for the deposit plus the 10 days that you wanted to stay there. You go there, thinking that the room that you saw online would be the room that you will receive, you knock at the door, the host receives you with smile and then leads you to the room.
What you see? A couch which houses nothing but bugs, dirt and moss fill the air and worse still no ventilation. You are shocked, you want to get out. You tell the host, you are in no mood to stay, you leave.
Before you go, you login to the APP, apply for refund, and then thinking that you will receive you head out.
Only later to find that you never received the refund neither the deposit. More so, you also find a large chunk of money from your credit card being billed to. You were already shocked now this is a bolt from the blue.
You reach for your bank, and your bank say, you approved the payment for the APP, you stand there wondering what had happened?
Simple, the APP that you thought would help you save the money on your Travel by allowing you to enjoy the Bed, the Breakfast and the fresh air is funneling your money out.
You think to save an Inch and now you have lost the Mile.
There are innumerable cases where Credit information were stolen and funds transferred leaving the owners in state of untold misery whom they have themselves to blame for.
Your shopping APP is making you poor
Your shopping will stop and your Saving will increase if you only be careful.
Just by uninstalling one APP, users were able to save 50% of their salaries. Shopping APPs have clear knowledge of your preferences and will target you with Advertisements that is geared to appeal to that part of your Brain that makes decisive purchases.
And once the Brain decides the Body will follow. Just remember, a lot of thinking goes into these APP developments so as to keep the user forever shopping.
One downside of using these APPs would be that you will never have enough left. It would always be that new outfit, those new shoes, that lip gloss, or those perfumes, always a reason to shop leaving you broke and needy.
Precaution-What to do
Before your Install an APP, study about the Company that has designed the APP and specially their reputation.
Read the Privacy policy.
Limit your APP installation. APP installation has become like a Refrigerator where people place and store anything and everything. Do you know 7 out of 10 people said, that they stored Salt shakers in their refrigerators. You don’t need APPs for every thing that you can think of.
Don’t go by User recommendation. Most of the users have no idea about APPs and their working-According to Reports and Surveys.
More so, just look at Facebook, their reputation for Stealing and Selling private data is notorious [according to reports], yet still most users would say, Facebook is love and true to their interests, when on the contrary Facebook looks only after its own interests and does anything and everything to explicitly, snoop and steal private data-According to sources.
When do you online Shopping, Use your Computer, use a reliable web browser and more so use sites which have high level of security enabled in them. These can all be found on the site’s website information.