Penile Vaginal Intercourse Orgasms-Why Women consider it to be the most important part in their lives

Two Main types of Orgasms

There are two different Orgasms that women find it to render the most intense of pleasures. One is achieved through, Clitoral stimulation and the other is achieved through Penile Vaginal Intercourse (PVI).

Of the two, the later has been of found to be of Qualitative type and hence renders benefits of health, vitality and creativity additionally. Creativity is largely due to the cause of sexual energy transmutation.

Thus, Orgasm achieved through PVI, is considered of the highest grade and categorized to be the “ideal female orgasm” (Lavie-Ajayi & Joffe, 2009) and the ultimate goal of sex (Lavie-Ajayi & Joffe, 2009; Potts, 2000).

Manual stimulation-gross and tiresome

The pleasure generated when the Penis moves over the Vagina has been reported to be stimulating not only the Clitoral region but regions around and in. This creates pleasures to both Male and Female and more so requires less effort than self sequential stimulation of the genitals.

Studies have shown that most women find manual self- stimulation to be awkward, tiresome and less romantic and gross.

Frequent Masturbation and inability to achieve PVI Orgasm

It is also found that most women have reported their inability to reach PVI orgasms  (Nicolson & Burr, 2003; Ellis, 1998) and some of the reasons for the inability may include, frequent Masturbation practices, abuse of the Clitoral region due to excessive pressure applied using devices.

It is imperative to understand here that most women are aware the Qualitative nature of the PVI orgasm, find it somehow, lack of not achieving them to be an element of Shame and thus occupying a status of inferiority among women who achieve them (Lavie-Ajayi & Joffe, 4 2009; Lavie & Willig, 2005; Nicolson & Burr, 2003).

The main concern of women who do not achieve PVI Orgasms

The number one concern to most women who do not achieve PVI Orgasm is about their Male partners. And how would they grade them with regard to being the perfect woman, Clifford (1978).

Inability for women to achieve Orgasm during Penile Vaginal Intercourse is the single most sexual dysfunction that occupies the top priority list when it comes to seeking treatment, (Darling, Davidson, & Jennings, 1991; Kilmann & Mills, 1983).

Why PVI Orgasm is also important to Men

It has also been understood that PVI Orgasm is not only considered important to women but many men consider this to be the yardstick and the measuring gauge for determining their strength and durability of the relationship, (Hite, 2006).

If a man cannot make his woman come, then he assumes either he is inadequate, which would lead  him forsake the relationship, or the woman is just not sensitive enough to respond to him, this too leads him forsaking the relationship. The balance is very delicate.

The reason being, most men, take it to be their responsibility to make the women happy, and hence darn a passive relationship to her during fore play and the subsequently she is made to lie on her back with the man working on her. The only indicator to him would be the moans and the groans and subsequent feeling of intense that she achieves.

Most men almost resort to judging their competencies based singly on this one output, if the women comes and achieves climax then their manhood gets a boost, but on the contrary if she doesn’t, then it only goes to show his ineptness and lack of manhood, Albert Ellis (1998).

PVI Orgasms-Top priority in women’s life

All of these implications tied with achieving PVI Orgasms, puts so much pressure on women that their single objective during sex would be to focus unilaterally in achieving it.

Either for themselves or for safeguarding their relationship, (Lavie & Willig, 2005; Nicholas & Burr, 2003).

Since achieving PVI Orgasm is a rarity and more so the benefits that it renders to the overall health of a woman and the relationship that she is involved in, PVI Orgasm, thus has ascended into the most treasured and coveted position in a women’s life.

According to Research, why women place so much importance on PVI orgasms-Reasons

Partner Satisfaction

Partner Expectation

Peer Pressure

Feeling of inferiority complex for the inability to achieve PVI Orgasm.

The sheer beauty of Intercourse

The Pressure from Women’s Magazine

The Television, The Movies, The Novels

The expectation of the partner during sex and pressure a woman experiences due to this expectation.

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