Twitter and anti-conservative bias-US law maker Sues

Now that Davin Nunes has raised his concern against the Social Media platform Twitter, of adopting a biased strategy when it comes to representing Conservative view points has in fact has a valid point.

 Apparently this is not the first time that Twitter has been accused of following a strategy that annihilates all conservative view points. In fact according to inside sources this has always been the practice of Twitter’s organizational strategy to spin and manipulate the point of views and  render voice and support to slanders, hate speech and defamatory ideologies.

According to sources, Twitter turns a blind eye to parody accounts and lets them function as if it is not their responsibility. According to aired views, Twitter follows a politically biased work ethic and fails to take action when it witnesses scrupulous defamatory comments and statements from third parties.

Though Legal analysts largely maintained that internet platforms such as Twitter are not liable for most content posted by third parties, what they fail to understand here is that it is these messages from third parties that are contributing to major crisis and a pandemonium of woes.

This apparent justification for Twitter’s blind eye policy cannot be condoned when lives are largely lived on the cyber media, scrupulous comments and their perpetrators ought to nipped in the bud. More so adopting a stance of who get to speak and favoritism is more of a crime and just goes to show Twitter’s discriminatory stand point.

Now that Twitter is finding itself in deep waters, may be it is high time that Twitter views its privacy policy and adopts a Business model that ensures equality for all and avoids discrimination when it comes to scheduling and posting views of those it doesn’t like or harmonize with.

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