Places to Travel to get Stronger-Bring the Animal out of you
Do you like the Adrenalin rush? Are you an adventure seeker? Do you want to stir and bring out the animal in you. If you had answered in an affirmative then we will give you the list of places you can visit to see, feel, and experience high stress environments and earn the benefits that it can bring in to your life. Buckle up and Man up.
Everybody seek a life up tranquility. They all want to go with the flow and then wonder, after all these years, why haven’t I made the progress that iI always wanted and dreamed off?
The reason for your failure is, remember all developments occur, Upstream, you ought to Swim against the current. You could choose to flow with the current, but remember, after the current had died, you would only be left with no choice but to drift and finally hit a bank which you never wanted in the first place.
How life of no adversary destroys self
They would always advise you, Stay Calm and Be Calm and finally die Calm. That would be eventual result of a life that has never faced adversaries.
If you are already enjoying a life of tranquility, then why would a need arise for you to train and stay fit?
In other words before taking up lifestyle changes or commitment, such as physical fitness regimes or martial art training drills, your brain ought to be first convinced before you could put your body to the pain that is required off.
And the brain will only be convinced if it feels that there is sufficient threat perceived that could cause hurt or harm to you and there is an urgent need to safeguard your interests and secure your future.
This would mean, unless there are situations that forces the Brain to act, it is highly improbable that sufficient motivation can be reasoned out for the body to volition pain.
An old Scandinavian proverb goes something like this, “tough times bring forth, tougher men and tougher men bring forth easy times, and easy times bring forth, weaker men. So don’t wish for easier times, wish that you were harder”
In concise, the harder a situation you are exposed too, the more creative your brain will start to function so that a better you is made to combat the situation.
This is very true in cases of boys who grew up in tough neighborhoods. Bullying would be a common phenomenon that most of these kids will encounter while as teenager.
So the best way to combat this would be to get big. Day in day out, most of these kids could be found training at local gyms or shadow boxing for gaining better physique.
Mike Tyson, Mohammed Ali, were some examples where their neighborhoods played a part in making them real tough.
How Stress develops you
An old saying of the Ancient wisdom thus says, “Even Food becomes a Poison if taken recklessly, and even Poison becomes a Medicine if taken cautiously”.
Research shows that when that when people venture into a stressing knowing well aware the dangers of the situation, they actively use their frontal cortex of their brain. This means more creative thinking and more the creative solutions produced.
Challenging situations lead to Remarkable people.
How Navy Seals Special team trains
One such training that Navy Seals Special teams would have to complete would be to venture into the most unimaginable situation that poses them with eventual defeat and then come out of it unscratched.
This skill set would eventually decide if the person is made out for higher responsibility or not.
The advance of modern technology has numbed the primal instinct in men. We were born wild, and the more tech savvy we become, the lesser our ability to defend what is rightfully ours.
Thief becomes a Philosopher
A video of a professional thief interview posted on a London Social media goes viral. A simple question was asked to the thief, as to how he chooses his victims to rob.
His answer was, he always picks those, who always carry their phone in their hands and are found always replying to text messages.
A next question was asked, why does he prefer them? To this replies that they are often the most susceptible people, for they always live in a different world and all they see is their phone, and most often they will never put up a fight.
Strange disclosure, but the thief has got it dead on. To a next question, whether any of his victims filed a report, the thief responds that they are too sacred and wouldn’t even dare to entertain such a thought. Truly Alarming but the thief has figured it to a jot. A personal survey from the victims did reveal that they were more reluctant even to discus the matter with their friends leave alone filing a complaint.
The List of Top places that will stir the Animal out of you.

The Country of Venezuela is undergoing an Economic reform. There are several challenges that the country is facing, specially food shortage, devalued currency, shortage of Medical supplies, etc.
How you could help?
The Country is in need of Volunteers who could help the locals in Hospitals and in Food Rationing units. These are high sensitive areas and you would need good presence mind and tact to handle the demands of the situation. It is not easy, but where there is the heart to Help, there is always the way.
You may face rowdy crowd. Mugging is too common. Threat of violence is reportedly on rise.
Whom to approach for Volunteering
You can visit the following links
Stay with the Volunteer Group
Do not venture out alone
Avoid contacts with agencies you are not familiar with
Be aware that you are in a situation where Emergency rule is prevalent, this would mean, no site seeing, no back pack parties, no beer garden hangouts.
Your going there for a purpose and your purpose is to serve humanity in the best possible way, develop leadership skill and learn how amidst challenges, people flourish.
Cape Town, South Africa
Cape Town is a port city on South Africa’s southwest coast, on a peninsula beneath the imposing Table Mountain. Slowly rotating cable cars climb to the mountain’s flat top, from which there are sweeping views of the city, the busy harbor and boats heading for Robben Island, the notorious prison that once held Nelson Mandela, which is now a living museum and plenty of star Attraction.
The City has great sunshine, wonder Rendezvous that many of the royals of the yesterday years fell for.

Some facts you need to know.
South Africa has a whole has plenty of Gangs that are operational and that they not only control the streets but also the prisons. Though most crimes were once targeted crimes, of late the balance seems to be shifting towards the common man.
It has been reported that, Murder rose by 6.9% nationally between 2017 and 2018. The Western Cape was largely responsible, with its 12.6% increase in murders. Of the 3729 murders recorded in the Western Cape, 808 were gang-related, that would be around 22% of the crime are perpetrated by gangs.
The Numbers Gang
The Numbers Gang – a prison-based gang with a web of affiliate street gangs – constitutes the largest and most feared organisation in South Africa with an estimated membership of close to 50 000 people.
There is no saying to the terror and fear that this gang has spread, so much so, the very utterance of their Name, would often send chills among the residents.
The Gang is notorious for, Rape, Murder, Extortion and Street justice. It is also reported that they run one of the notorious human trafficking wings in South Africa, with young white women tourists often being their target.
The Gang was formed during the so called Apartheid era and hence vents directed crime against the whites. Numbers gang get their name from the cataloging of Crimes that they carry out.
It is also reported, Numbers gang control 98% of South Africa prison system. If a cop is duty conscious, mot often, Numbers gang would eliminate his entire family having the cop right in front of the execution. The gang is also notorious for recording such putrid moments and send them to other honest officers, a tact to intimidate and influence.

To add to all this, Cape Town is heading towards a terrible drought that never before history such as this scale or magnitude was ever encountered or experienced.
Dams are running dry
The major dam that supplies water to Cape Town is almost running dry.

Residents have gone weeks without water. The city residents have water rationed. With non operational flush in homes, the residents are feeling the strain and the stench.

For most part of Cape Town, the water is Rationed out, with 13 gallons of water per person per day. That would just be sufficient for a 90-second shower, a half-gallon for drinking water, a sink to hand-wash dishes and perform laundry from recycled water, one cooked meal, two hand washings, two teeth brushing and just one toilet flush.
The situation has gone so intense that flushing of toilets had become a luxury.
Most are now turning to dry composting toilets, that is how serious the situation of water scarcity has become.

Precaution and Travel Advice
Travel with reliable travel Tour operators
Stay with Group
Don’t venture out alone, doesn’t matter, if it is Night or Day
Don’t visit pubs/clubs and bars, alone
Don’t call hookers, since most pimps are run by gangs, you will become a future target, if they find out you are affluent.
Don’t share, Phone contacts with strangers.