Women’s Back Strengthening routine

The stress of everyday toil is taking a heavy toll on your back. Do you know, Back is often the most neglected part and often the most abused part of the women’s body.
We have entered an important phase in the human history where women constitute 50% of the work force. Though this is a laudable achievement yet no body is talking about the stress, the strain and trouble women undertake to achieve that feat.
Often spending hours before a computer with almost negligible levels of body movement, with legs crossed, and little recess during work periods all add up to put the back to frequent wear and tear, leading to chronic Back pain which will often lead to prescription pain killers and hours of pain, stress and anguish on a daily basis.
The only Cure for Back problem is rest. Unless the muscles are rested and cared for, with massage and warm soothing showers, the chances of a complete recovery is often out of the question.
For if you are going to be loading your back, by pushing it to do things that are contradictory to Body Physics, you will only worsen the situation. Of course, we have entered this Phase in History that all ought to work in order to sustain and lead a descent life.
There was a time, when men were considered the Bread winners, but today, all have to fend for themselves. For the world we like today has undergone a revolutionary change. Transitioning from prioritizing, Humanity, love, respect and self respect, the world now has set its priority merely ont one thing, that is Money.
No Money, No Honey, No-“Nothing”
There was again a time when you could simply walk into a restaurant, and ask for a glass of chilled water, the waitress would gladly offer you with a smile.
Trying doing that today, walk into a restaurant, and ask for a glass of water, and that you are there merely for the free water. You should consider yourself lucky, if you receive a simple “No”. In most cases, you would be hauled and cussed and possibly thrown out for your Audacity to request, water. Who had given you the idea that water was free?
The point we are trying to make here is that the world has entered a state that everything is viewed through the eyes of Commerce. The question of Brotherly love, love thine neighbor, honor your parents, all have perished, and the only standard of Morality that remains true to this day is, Money.
Why are we telling you all this? Simple, just to make you understand that both Men and Women, ought to suffer, toil and shed their sweat out, and there are no Reservations here.
That being said, with regard to handling the Back problem, given the existing predicament of the situation, the only possible solutions available is through Exercise and Diet. Of course, the results will not be immediate, but with patience and dedication, you are bound to become better.
The bottom line is, Patience and Perseverance. Of course, when you start doing these Exercises, for sure the pain in the region will increase, but don’t give up, Endure it, for the only way out is through it.
Back Pain types
There are two types of Back pain. Lower Back pain and Upper Back pain. In most women, the pain is often located at the Lower back. This is largely due to sitting position, crossing the Legs for long hours, minimal movement, uncomfortable chair, lifting a heavy object from the ground, incorrectly, or even, raising oneself from seated position with a jerk, incorrect Sex position, etc.
Of course, as the case with Lower Back pain, there are several contributing factors to Upper Back pain. Long hours of starring at the computer screen, improper Sleep position, digestive issues, muscle spasm due to coughing or sneezing, incorrect Sex position, etc
Basic Home Remedies
- Undoubtedly the first and best thing to do when suffering from Excruciating back pain would be to REST. Do you know what the word REST, stands for ? R : Relax, E : Energize, S: Spend time with Family, T: Tranquility
- The second best thing to do in case of an excruciating pain would be to place an Ice pack for 10 minutes, and repeat this for the next 2 hours.
- Keep your Mind from worry. the Mind is the most powerful healer, remember that. As said, “A mind can make a Hell out of heaven and a Heaven out of Hell”
- Do not use pain killers, remember, the objective is to achieve Cure, pain killers are meant to give you an Analgesic effect, and Analgesic has untoward side effects on the Heart.
- Exercise is a must. Of course rest is good, but don’t get into a habit of merely resting, and resting alone. It is said, if you don’t use it you lose it. Muscle recovers better when Rest is followed up with Action.
Exercise routines
Our Experts have found the following routines to be helpful, you can try them out and let us know if there are marked developments in your back.